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  • Specialty Ayurvedic Hospital for spine, hip, knee and skin
Disease Management in Ayurveda

According to the Ayurvedic principles, the natural state of human body is the one with health, happiness and well being. One is said to be healthy when his body is free of toxins, the mind is at peace, emotions are calm and happy, wastes are eliminated efficiently and organs are functioning normally. The physical and mental system accumulates toxins and deteriorates the efficiency of bodily functions due to the busy and stressful life. This eventually weakens the systems, and leads to degenerative and non-specific diseases. Gradually they evolve into serious specific diseases, ultimately damaging the health and well being of an individual.

Ayurvedic methods suggest a well-defined therapeutic structure, as preventive and curative methods, in order to deal with various ailments.

  Shodanam or cleansing,
  Samanam or palliation,
  Rasayanam or rejuvenation and
  Satvajaya or mental hygiene.

Shodanam (cleansing or elimination) aims to remove excess Dosha (toxins) from the body. Shodanam includes

  Purvakarma (initial treatment)
  Pradhanakarma known as Panchakarma (the main treatment comprising of five distinctive methods)
  Paschathkarma (post treatment).

Samanam: (alleviation) is a group of milder methods to remove toxins from the body of those who are not strong enough to undergo shodanam.

Rasayanam: : The rejuvenation therapy is aimed to restore the tissues through herbs and minerals. Rasayanam helps restore the vitality and leads to longevity and slowing/stopping of aging process. It compensates for wear and tear due to age and diseases. Rasayana chikitsa follows detoxification of the body through Panchakarma procedures. It presents youthfulness, energy, enhances memory and brilliance, nourishes the senses and ensures longevity.

Satvajaya:(Mental Hygiene/Mental Healing) There are different categories to Satvajaya, that includes Mantra (sounds), Yantra (physical devices), Tantra (directing energies of the body), meditation, gems and crystals etc. to bring equilibrium in the body and mind.


Introduction to Panchakarma

Panchakarma is the purification therapy that comprises of five distinctive methods practiced in Ayurvedic System.

Panchakarma is a unique, health-enhancing series of therapeutic treatments that cleanses the body's deep tissues of toxins, open the channels; bring energy thereby increasing vitality, inner peace, confidence and well being.

Panchakarma can help reverse the negative effects of daily living. It can restore the natural state of health and wellness by cleansing toxins from the body, bringing balance into the system and improving bodily function. It also helps to sustain this process by suggesting positive changes in lifestyle.

Shodhan and Shaman

Panchakarma is part of a group of therapies that belongs to a class of cleansing procedure called Shodhanam.

The milder method Shamanam is applied on those who are not strong enough to undergo Shodhanam

Pre-purification therapies (Purvakarmas)

Panchakarma treatments are normally administered only after performing different methods of pre-purification therapies (Purvakarmas) that prepare the body for the main course of treatment i.e. Panchakarma. The purvakarma procedures are Snehanam and Swedanam.

Snehanam Snehanam (Oil therapy or oleation): Internal and external oleation loosens the toxins accumulated in the body and moves it into the gastro intestinal tract. Oil massage also helps to make the tissues softer and helps to remove stress and nourishes the nervous system.

Swedanam (Sudation or sweating) dilates the channels, liquefy toxins and facilitates its movement in to gastro intestinal tract. These toxins are then removed from the body thru Panchakarma therapies.

Purvakarma procedures help remove aggravated Dosha and Ama (Toxins) from deeper body to locations in preparation for elimination. These toxins are then removed from the body by use of Panchakarma procedures individually or in combinations, deemed appropriate by the physician.

The five methods of Panchakarma procedure:-

  Vaman: therapeutic vomiting or emesis
  Virechan: purgation
  Vasti: therapeutic enema
Asthapanam - enema with decoction (Kashaya Vasthy)
Anuvasanam - enema with medicated oil (Sneha Vasthy)
  Nasya: elimination of toxins through the nostrils
  Raktamoksha: detoxification of the blood

Panchakarma- Methods and benefits

Vamanam - Emesis (Therapeutic Vomiting). When congestion in lungs leads to bronchitis or asthma, therapeutic vomiting or Vamanam is administered to eliminate the Kapha causing excess mucus. Once the mucus is released, the congestion, wheezing and breathlessness comes down and the patient becomes comfortable. Vamanam is also suggested for the treatment of chronic asthma, cold, diabetes, congestion, indigestion and oedema.

Virechanam - (Therapeutic Purgation) When excess Pitta (bile) is secreted and accumulated in the gallbladder, liver and small intestine, it results in rashes, skin inflammation, acne, and chronic fever, biliary vomiting, nausea and jaundice. Ayurveda suggests administration of therapeutic purgation or therapeutic laxative in such cases.

Nasyam - (Nasal administration of medicine) Nose is the doorway to brain and it is also the doorway to consciousness. The excess of bodily humours accumulated in the sinus, throat, and nose or head area is eliminated by application of medicines through nose. Nasyam is indicated for prana disorders, sinus congestion, migraine, headache, convulsions and certain eye and ear problems. Nasyam helps to improve breathing.

Vasthy(Therapeutic Enema) Vasthy involves introduction of herbal oil or herbal concoctions through the rectum. It is the most effective treatment for Vatha disorders. Any medication given rectally goes into the deeper tissues of the body. Vasthy relieves constipation, distensions, and chronic fever, cold, sexual disorders, kidney stone, heart pain, backache, sciatica and pain in the joints. Many other Vatha disorders such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout, muscle spasm etc. also are effectively treated through Vasthy.

Raktamoksham-Bloodletting (Detoxification of blood) is the method of extracting a small amount of blood from the vein to relieve the tension created by Pittagenic toxins in the blood. Toxins present in the gastro –intestinal tracts are absorbed into the blood and circulated through the body. Bloodletting also stimulates the spleen to produce antitoxic substances and helps to stimulate the immune system.